33630 金色强力火车头拥有闪亮的金色、金属漆和经典的“ 呜呜”声,在轨道上飞驰而过时会给所有人留下深刻印象。 电动操作: 这款电动玩具火车是 BRIO World 中最坚固的火车之一,可伴随着灯光和音效向前和向后行驶。 它的顶部有一个开关,你可在不使用电池功能的情况下,通过火车离合轮轴以进行惯性滑行。 经典的 BRIO 设计: 这款复古设计的火车是 BRIO World 轨道玩具的超棒补充,可通过促进逻辑思维和提高精细运动技能,帮助儿童成长。
About BRIO World: BRIO World is our open-ended play system that grows with your child. All BRIO World toys work with each other to create an entirely customisable world that’s great for challenging growing minds. There’s endless combinations of imaginative play waiting to be explored and this toy train fits right in – just pick up a piece and start building your world.