看这款 33970 地铁列车和隧道在黑暗中大放异彩。 这款火车套装包括两部分以地铁为主题的列车,以及设计独特的隧道,列车与隧道上皆有夜光图案。 机车和乘客车厢可通过磁性连接器互连,或连接到其他车辆,且内部有足够的空间,可容纳两个手脚能动的 BRIO World 人偶。 趣味十足的隧道也是一种巧妙的包装,采用透明拱顶,列车高速驶过的场景一览无余,另有易于操作的功能,可防止出现任何可能的障碍物。
BRIO Trains, Engines, Wagons, Carriages, and Vehicles feature the classic BRIO magnetic couplingsfor easily hook up! All train sets, rails, accessories and destinations feature the classic wooden train track allowing for easy connection to each other and expand your own BRIO World. Crafted using FSC® (FSC-C111262) sourced European beech wood and high-quality plastics the BRIO My First Railway range is suitable for ages 24 Months and up and make ideal gifts for boys and great gifts for girls. We know that children sometimes play with toys in other ways than expected. That’s why we test our products thoroughly to our strict safety requirements which in many cases are tougher than the legal requirements. BRIO Railway Sets make a great birthday gift or smashing Christmas gift