33474 带拉手火车车库为玩具火车提供理想的维护和休息场所,是任何 BRIO World 轨道玩具的超棒补充配件。 车库设有三个停车空间,每个空间均有独立的轨道连接。 将大型红色拉手向后拉,车库门自动滑动打开,旅行机车和货车即可轻松停入。 车库门再次关闭后,拉手会直立锁上,孩子们便可轻松拿上火车车库及停放在车库内的物品,踏上下一次冒险之旅。
Handy handle: Pull back the large red handle and the garage door will automatically slide open, providing easy access what’s stored inside. Once the door is closed again, the handle can lock in the upright position, making it easy for children to carry the train garage and its contents onto the next adventure.
33474 Train Garage with Handle includes 3 pieces: 1x Train Garage, 1x Travel Engine, 1x Travel Passenger Wagon.