在救援消费者,你得随时做好行动的准备。 当警报响起时,沿着滑道滑下。消防车已经等在那里。打开警报,准备出发。 最厉害的消防员会爬到上面的直升机降落坪上。 赶快,没时间了!
About BRIO World: BRIO World is our open-ended play system that grows with your child. All BRIO World toys work with each other to create an entirely customisable world that’s great for challenging growing minds. There’s endless combinations of imaginative play waiting to be explored and this toy train fits right in – just pick up a piece and start building your world.
33833 Fire Station includes: 1x Fire Station, 1x Fire Slide, 2x Firefighters, 1x Fire Engine, 1x Fire Trailer, 1x Fire, 2x Cases, 1x Chainsaw, 2x Tracks.