33974 圆形感应隧道套装:一款包括 14 个部件的互动玩具火车套装,让你畅享游戏之乐。 额外的 Smart Tech Sound 技术使电动录音和播报火车头可以与周围环境进行互动,对 Smart Tech 配件进行各种自动回应,例如彩色灯光、移动和音效,从而丰富宝宝的想象力。 每个感应隧道都可对火车头做出独特的回应。你也可以把它们移动到轨道各处,让火车踏上不一样的旅行。
BRIO Trains, Engines, Wagons, Carriages, and Vehicles feature the classic BRIO magnetic couplingsfor easily hook up! All train sets, rails, accessories and destinations feature the classic wooden train track allowing for easy connection to each other and expand your own BRIO World. BRIO My First Railway range is suitable for ages 24 Months and up and make ideal gifts for boys and great gifts for girls. We know that children sometimes play with toys in other ways than expected. That’s why we test our products thoroughly to our strict safety requirements which in many cases are tougher than the legal requirements. BRIO Railway Sets make a great birthday gift or smashing Christmas gift