追随灯光点亮 36002 点亮彩虹套装中的彩虹。 这款互动玩具火车套装以有趣而引人入胜的方式让儿童学会基本的排序和“因果关系”模式。点亮彩虹: 游戏的目的很简单——用所有美丽的色彩点亮彩虹。 要做到这一点,只需追随木制小火车轨道上闪烁的灯光。 每次正确穿过云朵追随灯光并完成挑战时,彩虹就会亮起四种颜色中的一种,并播放可爱的歌曲。 点亮所有颜色,就可以幸运地体验到有趣的歌曲和灯光秀。 小朋友的轨道游戏: 这款玩具火车套装采用色彩缤纷的设计,并配有可逆磁铁和导坡等特殊适龄部件。 可与 BRIO World 兼容: 我的第一个火车套装产品以有趣的方式将儿童带入 BRIO 木制铁路的世界,并且可完全与 BRIO World 铁路系统搭配使用。
BRIO Trains, Engines, Wagons, Carriages, and Vehicles feature the classic BRIO magnetic couplingsfor easily hook up! All train sets, rails, accessories and destinations feature the classic wooden train track allowing for easy connection to each other and expand your own BRIO World. BRIO My First Railway range is suitable for ages 24 Months and up and make ideal gifts for boys and great gifts for girls. We know that children sometimes play with toys in other ways than expected. That’s why we test our products thoroughly to our strict safety requirements which in many cases are tougher than the legal requirements. BRIO Railway Sets make a great birthday gift or smashing Christmas gift