33557 流线型列车是任何 BRIO World 轨道玩具的绝佳补充配件。 列车采用独特的复古未来风设计,灵感源于世界各地的流线型列车,同时饰以时尚大胆的红色和银光闪闪的细节。 这辆超长列车包括两节细节设计精巧的木制车厢和七对车轮,让火车能够保持高速转动。 这款玩具火车采用榉木、优质塑料和金属细节精心制作,已准备好再次驶上木制轨道。
14 wheels of train: Comprised of a long front engine and two trailing wooden wagons, this train is one of the longest in BRIO World. In fact, it has 7 pairs of wheels, making 14 in total!
Quality finish: A speedy design that’s finished with bold red colours and shiny silver details means that this train will certainly stand out in any toy railway set. Crafted using beech wood, high-quality plastic and metal details, the Streamline Train is ready to ride the wooden rails once again.
33557 Streamline Train includes 3 pieces: 1x Streamline Engine, 2x Wooden Wagons.