“请上车!” 火车已经做好准备,从 33973 感应隧道车站发车了。 配合录音播报火车头(不包含在内)使用时,火车站隧道可以指示火车减慢速度直至完全停止,发出灯光通知大家火车已经抵达,然后播报火车站声音以产生一种有趣的效果。 使用 Smart Tech Sound app 来更改火车站声音,使其变成大家熟悉的国际火车站 - 比如柏林、伦敦或巴黎。 现在火车停下了,帮助旅客们登上旅行车厢,然后开启 BRIO 世界冒险之旅吧!
BRIO Trains, Engines, Wagons, Carriages, and Vehicles feature the classic BRIO magnetic couplingsfor easily hook up! All train sets, rails, accessories and destinations feature the classic wooden train track allowing for easy connection to each other and expand your own BRIO World. BRIO My First Railway range is suitable for ages 24 Months and up and make ideal gifts for boys and great gifts for girls. We know that children sometimes play with toys in other ways than expected. That’s why we test our products thoroughly to our strict safety requirements which in many cases are tougher than the legal requirements. BRIO Railway Sets make a great birthday gift or smashing Christmas gift