33312 迪士尼公主城堡套装,与爱洛公主、贝儿公主和仙蒂公主一起探索童话世界。 这套可爱的玩具包括宏伟的公主城堡、木制火车轨道、带车厢的公主火车、三个迪士尼公主人偶和配件。 迪士尼公主游戏: 仙蒂公主、贝儿公主和睡美人爱洛公主都穿着她们的经典礼服,闪闪发光,可爱有趣。 登上粉色的公主火车,然后前往魔法城堡。 推开大门,让玩具火车驶入城堡,欢迎公主回家。 探索城堡: 打开像玩偶屋的城堡,探索里面的所有空间,这里可以唱歌、跳舞和进行其他有趣的角色扮演游戏。 可以登上最高的塔顶,俯瞰美丽的世界,然后沿着神奇的闪光城堡滑梯俯冲,迅速回到火车上,开始全新奇妙冒险。 练习技能: 这款可爱的玩具套装可帮助儿童在表演故事时练习创造力和角色扮演技能。 同时,儿童通过对轨道玩具的搭建和玩耍,能有效练习逻辑思维并锻炼精细运动技能。 33312 迪士尼公主城堡套装包括 18 个部件: 1x 迪士尼公主城堡,9x 木制轨道,3x 迪士尼公主人偶,1x 公主火车,2x 火车车厢,1x 树配件,1x 标志配件。
Climb onboard the pink princess train and take a trip to the magical castle. Swing the grand gate doors open to let the toy train drive into the castle grounds and welcome the princesses home.
Explore the castle: Open the castle up like a doll house to discover all the spaces inside for singing, dancing and other creative character play. Ascend to the top of the tallest tower to look out over the wonderful world, then fly down the glittery castle slide to quickly get back to the train for a new fantastic adventure.
Practice skills: This enchanting playset helps young children to practice their creativity and roleplay skills as they play out their stories. Whilst building and playing with the railway elements is great for practicing logical thinking and fine motor skills.