利用 BRIO 录音播放套装,将您的 BRIO 建造家创意带到现实中来。这款完美的建造玩具可以挑战新工程师的想象力。 这款玩具套装由 67 个部件组成,包括录音播放部件和易于使用的工具,可帮助您实现无限多的创意。 录音播放部件可以将游戏推向新的高度,让您可以通过录音来定制属于自己的玩具。
Don’t forget to integrate the battery-powered record and play unit into your creation so you get the satisfaction of hearing it come to life with speech and sounds - it takes roleplaying to a new level of fun. Being fully compatible with all products in the BRIO Builder System, you can expand your play and add to the enjoyment with even bigger creations. You are only limited by your creativity, but in case you need help there is also an inspiration manual to get you started.
The BRIO Builder Record & Play Set provides children with both physical and mental challenges, which they can learn from in an enjoyable and memorable way. While constructing a new toy, they practice their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Mentally, they get to use their imagination, problem-solving and logical thinking, which gives a real sense of achievement when their toy creation comes alive.